Email Diaryland myspace deviantart

05.31.04 - My Greek Guestbook is no more :((
05.30.04 - Seeing Friends
05.29.04 - Sign a Petition to STOP E-Voting Machines!
05.20.04 - nerve boy
05.20.04 - eve monkey
05.20.04 - coffee tastes like ass
05.18.04 - Forgiving Our Fathers
05.18.04 - today is the Pope's birthday
05.18.04 - Intuitive Tarot Workshops
05.18.04 - Justin Story
05.16.04 - like effects following things like causes
05.16.04 - hunny? has the dog been drinking my cum smoothies?
05.16.04 - House sitting for Bob n' Jane
05.14.04 - Kuan Yin Story
05.08.04 - keep your hands on your desk, young man
05.05.04 - with walk on water action!
05.04.04 - I wanna be a Rhinette
05.03.04 - But I'm a Cheerleader...
04.27.04 - Where Is It Written?
04.22.04 - Amen
04.22.04 - I'm back, my puter is healthy again
04.17.04 - you poopie heads
04.17.04 - fiction \"he did not come\" pt1
04.16.04 - margarate thatcher portraight
04.16.04 - 4 Professional Questions
04.15.04 - I want to feel the touch of a clever, intelligent, sensual gentleman.
04.14.04 - Best Sex in 50 Years
04.10.04 - i'm a better me with you around
04.10.04 - tired stressed stuffed horny lonely
04.07.04 - VOTE FOR BUSH!
04.07.04 - Ireland or Tasmania
04.07.04 - the doorway to heaven and light
04.04.04 - is porn worth all this neurosis?
04.04.04 - 444 Spring Four-ward
04.01.04 - Porn Star Paul


I apologise for the mess, but here are my archives. Enjoy!

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