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1:58 pm - 09.30.04
Will and Andy
Ok, here's the latest drama in my life. Will, the guy I met at PPD, I still don't know what's up with that. But I'm going to call tonight and see what happens next.
Anywho, here are the emails so far, I changed names n' stuff to protect his privacy.

To: Will

Hi Will, I enjoyed talking with you at Pagan Pride. I connected really well with everyone I talked to, including you. I would like to meet with you sometime, I don't know for what reason, I'll let the universe figure that out.
I think one of your girls left one of their stuffed toys on my table, and I was going to keep it and eventually give it to you, but when I went to put it in my bag, it was gone. So I'm hoping one of your girls took it back. If not, let's hope who ever stole gives it a good home. :)
You seem like a really nice guy, you seem interested in tarot and things like that, and if you know about divination, you know there's a shortage of men practicing it. I'm refreshed to meet another man with similat passions as mine.

If you have yahoo messenger, this email is also my username. I'm on usually in the evenings.

Btw, please take a look at my group, we need people like you to join, and bring your knowledge and insight into are lil online community.


"And if this day is not a fulfilment of your needs and my love, then let it be a promise till another day"
- Kahlil Gibran


From: Will

hi Andrew!

great to hear from you my friend. i truly enjoyed our time as well. i told my partner (woman's name) that the reason i was to go to the PP is to meet someone i was supposed to connect with that is part of my path, and that was clearly you.

i have picked up the Legend tarot deck and doing some reading, but really feel the need to read that Caitlen Matthews book you have...will have to wait until i have more funds though.

thanks for mentioning the stuffed animal...i told (girl's name) that i thought you might have found it and be holding it for her, and she went and reclaimed it before we left.

i am excited by a number of things between us, not the least of which is your quote from the Prophet on your email...very cool. i also want to acknowledge letting the Universe figure things out, i resonate with that too. i haven't looked at your site yet, but don't need to to tell you that i very much would like to join your group.

when is the next meeting? please stay in touch, i appreciate you.

blessings of abundance of Love, Joy and Peace



To: Will (psycho email)


The second you sent your reply, I was here to recieve it, but I needed sometime to figure out how I might reply back.
There is an art project I'm working on, I make image collages, sometimes with magazines or pictures I find online, so for this project I was looking for animals in the act of mating. I wanted to blend the animal bodies with the human form, so in the midst of that, I was notified of your email. I had just found a pic of two bucks trying to mount the same doe at the same time! Too funny, menage toi's in nature. :P
There were two decks I had forgotten to bring for the table, the Vision Quest Tarot (a Native American based tarot), and the Celtic Wisdom cards. I saw how strongly you connected with the book for the Celtic Wisdom cards, and I was going to give you the deck as a gift. But maybe the universe wants me to keep them for a lil while longer, I often give up my decks before really getting to know a person. I'm impulsive in that reguard, I like giving gifts with intent and meaning, so they will be honored and not forgotten. While I may be dead and gone, there will be pieces of my soul still left all over the world. You can't take it with you, so you might as well leave it to the ones you love.

I have no idea when there will be another Cartomancy meeting, I think I will put out a calendar of possible dates, and I will show up with the plastic moose, and hope others will join me. Most of the greatest organizations started with one person and an idea, probably not a plastic moose though.

I don't want to talk to you, that's not enough, maybe communicate is a better term, because it covers the vast array of communication. I like coffee shops, it's easy to be creative in a coffee shop; you are surrounded by art, music, and interesting people. I also like Wednesdays or Sundays, great do nothing days. I always feel horny and relaxed on Sundays, great days to jackoff with the sunrise and write poetry to the sunset. Wednesdays are good for drinking bad tea with shortbread cookies while trying to form words on paper about the complexities of cheese.

So we will get together soon and communicate, possibly over coffee, I'll even bring the Celtic Wisdom cards for you to look at, but I think they still want to live with me, so when the time is right, they may come to you.

Blessings Will,


To: Will (psycho email cleanup)

Hello Will, several moons ago I was told I would be meeting someone special too. That I would know it was him, because we would connect. And I connected with you. And I freaked out, because you had a similar experiance, that you were going to meet someone special, and you did, and it was me.
So I send you a stupid email about sunrises and animals mating, I don't know why. I don't want you to be offended or anything.
I've waited all my life for this, and now I have no idea how to act or feel or even think. So forgive my moment of weakness, I'm sure there will be more.
I would like to be your friend, I want to share any wisdom I have to offer, and I hope you know I am eager to listen to your wisdom too. Your children are beautiful, they way you are with them, tells me some things about you. That you are gentle, playful, kind, intelligent, observant, all things children need.
On Oct. 7th, there is a Tarot study group I was invited to, I will see if I'm allowed to bring friends. I don't know what to expect, but I want you to at least be aware of the possibilities.

Blessings Friend,
Andrew :)


From: Will

hello Andrew...

i am not offended, i was touched at your honesty and vision. and we already are friends, but i appreciate your intention. i look forward to sharing wisdom together, and creating....

i hadn't even seen your other email until i read this one, pretty cool hey? ;)

thank you for your kind words regarding how you see me, i am honored.

talk soon, gotta run.

peace be with you
(his phone number was here!!!)


To: Will

This is Andy smiling....


So this is the conversation so far. I'm chair dancing!


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