Email Diaryland myspace deviantart

03.30.05 - Fucking Yesterday
03.27.05 - Centaurs and Models
03.26.05 - Joseph Campbell and House Sitting
03.26.05 - What Is Your Seduction Style
03.21.05 - cat quotes, Thoth earth changes, god food devil
03.21.05 - Takara - Warrior or Wimp
03.15.05 - Hathors - Earth Changes
03.10.05 - 9-11 Money Origami
03.09.05 - or Dennis Franz
03.09.05 - Michael Mead's Cock
03.09.05 - it gives the night bright colours
03.09.05 - hi5 \"high five\"
03.03.05 - to Window-Washer John
02.25.05 - money hurts, ouch!
02.25.05 - think about downloading Flash Player
02.21.05 - long entry about everything
02.21.05 - Happy Assansination Day!!! (President's Day)
02.07.05 - I wanna man :((
02.07.05 - i'll have the honey-roasted mutant drumsticks with the rat urine cola
02.07.05 - swimmin' with bo-legged women
01.29.05 - public jerking and moaning cellphones
01.28.05 - we can be heroes
01.28.05 - hot dude card
01.24.05 - shrimp on pizza?
01.16.05 - Chiron's heart is broken
01.15.05 - coming home to me
01.13.05 - Burning Bush 2
01.13.05 - Mimosa, please consider...
01.12.05 - stepping out
01.11.05 - past life website draft 1
01.10.05 - Numerology 2005-06
01.09.05 - Orpheus and Eurydice
01.07.05 - Housesitting at Dawn and Peter's Jan 7-15


I apologise for the mess, but here are my archives. Enjoy!

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